The Millennium Gate Museum’s mission is to preserve and interpret Georgia history, art, culture and philanthropic heritage as well as highlight Georgia’s historical and aesthetic relevance to the United States and to the world. The Gate is a classically styled monumental arch located in Atlanta, historically called “The Gate City.” It is designed in the tradition of classical Roman triumphal arches that have been built around the world over the past 2,500 years, and houses a 12,000 square foot museum that narrates Georgia’s history through sophisticated interactive technology, film, period rooms, and exhibitions. The museum is a 501(c)(3) non-profit charity and a winner of the Palladio Award for design of a public space.

The Gate is also a facilitator for world-class art and history exhibitions which tour venues exclusively across Georgia. To great national and British acclaim, the museum recently organized an eight city tour of The Art of Diplomacy: Winston Churchill and the Pursuit of Painting to LaGrange, Sea Island, Columbus, Macon, Atlanta, Rome, Athens, and Savannah. The museum continues its mission of showcasing world-class art across Georgia by connecting the state’s arts and history museums, sharing exhibitions, and enabling all the people of Georgia to enjoy our shared cultural patrimony.

The Millennium Gate Museum is a proud member of the  American Alliance of Museums.

Millennium Gate 1

Millennium Gate Museum
A property of The National Monuments Foundation

Board of Directors

Caleb Clark

Johnson Cook

Rodney Cook

Pat Daniel

Bob Harris

Robert Hulstslander

Peter Irikovsky

Joe Lonsdale

Gary Rayner

Pamela Rollins

Rebecca Rouland

Thompson Turner

Arol Wolford

Harris Worley
